關  於  台  南  館ABOUT

Tainan is a city full of history and culture.

Here on Hai-an Road, you'll experience such friendly warmth unlike anything you've ever imagined before.

In the surrounding area you'll find a bustling shopping district,Nantai Cinemas, and Tainan TRA Station. With its convenient location at an affordable price,

come to Light Hostel Tainan for an exciting adventure every time you walk out the door!

公  共  空  間Facilities

A large communal space on the first floor is equipped with sofas, tables, and chairs,

plus a spacious kitchen space is accessible all day, handy whether you're looking for a hot, strong coffee,

or feel like cooking up an amazing dinner.

Light Hostel Tainan will be your loyal travel companion.

房  型  與  資  訊Room/Beds

混 合 背 包 房

Mixed Dormitory Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 共享衛浴

  • 容納: 6人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備: 私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、共享衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

女性專屬背 包 房

Female Dormitory Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 共享衛浴

  • 容納: 6人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備: 私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、共享衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

經 濟 雙 床 房

Bunk beds room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 容納: 2人
  • 床尺寸: W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備: 私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、私人衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

舒 適 單 人 房

Single Room

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 吹風機

  • A/C電源

  • 容納: 1人(第二位入住需加收費用)
  • 床尺寸:W150*L188 cm
  • 配備: 檯燈、小書桌、電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

雙 人 兩 小 床

Standard Double room (2 twin beds)

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 吹風機

  • A/C電源

  • 容納: 2人
  • 床尺寸: W108*L188 cm
  • 配備: 檯燈、小書桌、電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

雙 人 一 大 床

Private Double Bed Room

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • A/C電源

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 2人
  • 床尺寸:W210*L188 cm
  • 配備:檯燈、小書桌、電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

四 人 兩 大 床

Double-double Bed Room

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • A/C電源

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 4人
  • 床尺寸: W150*L188 cm
  • 配備: 檯燈、小書桌、電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

如  何  抵  達Direction

*Tainan TRA Station → Light Hostel
  • Exit the front of the station: Walk towards the terminal bus station. Bus 1, 2, 5, 10, and 11 will all arrive at Light Hostel. (Get off at the Intersection of Simen Road and Youai Street. We're located about a 5 minutes' walk down Zunwang Road.)
  • Exit the rear of the station: Take bus 77 across from Shangri-La Hotel (get off at Jhongjheng Road & Hai-an Road Intersection)
*From Highway Bus Station (Arsenal Factory Transfer Station)

Walk 10 minutes to the Tainan terminal bus stop (in front of Tainan TRA Station) and transfer to a local bus.

  • In front of the station: Buses 1, 2, 5, 10 and 11 will all arrive at Light Hostel. (Get off at the Intersection of Simen Road and Youai Street. We're located about a 5 minutes' walk down Zunwang Road.)
  • From the rear of the station: Take bus 77 across from Shangri-La Hotel (get off at Jhongjheng Road & Hai-an Road Intersection)
*THSR Tainan Station:
  • THSR Shuttle Bus: From Exit 2 transfer to the HSR shuttle bus bound for Tainan City Government (H31). Get off at Tayih Landis Hotel. (After you get off, walk down Yonghua Road until you reach Xialin Road. Turn right and walk approximately 5 minutes and you will see our hostel.)
  • Transfer to TRA: THSR Tainan Station is one of Taiwan's joint rail stations. Exit the THSR station (from the 2nd floor) and directly transfer to Shalun TRA Station to take a train to Tainan Station. (Please refer to the above information for directions from Tainan Station to Light Hostel. Thank you!)
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