關  於  嘉  義  館ABOUT

A small town crossed by the Tropic of Cancer,Chiayi is a paradise for travelers looking to explore.

From the majestic Alishan to the city's famous chicken rice,from beautiful landscape to friendly locals,make every step you take an adventure and come visit the dazzling town of Chiayi.

公  共  空  間Facilities

An underground communal space is perfect for groups of friends to play games and hang out,watch TV or even make new friends. If you're tired you may want to check out the rooftop kitchen on the 5th floor cook up a quick meal and enjoy the cool breeze for a relaxing experience that will make you feel right at home.

房  型  與  資  訊Room/Beds

混 合 背 包 房

Mixed Dormitory Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 共享衛浴

  • 容納: 4-6人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備: 私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、共享衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

女性專屬背 包 房

Female Dormitory Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 共享衛浴

  • 容納: 4-6人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備: 私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、共享衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

經 濟 雙 床 房

Bunk beds room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 容納: 1-2人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備:私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、獨立衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

和 式 單 人 房

Japanese-style Single Room

  • 保管櫃

  • 床頭燈

  • A/C電源

  • 床邊掛鉤

  • 私人窗簾

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 容納: 1人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備:私人窗簾、個人床頭燈、電源插座、保管櫃、床邊掛鉤、獨立衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

和 式 雙 人 房

Japanese-style Twin Room

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • A/C電源

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 2人
  • 床尺寸:W105*L188*H10cm
  • 配備:檯燈、小書桌、A/C電源、獨立衛浴、吹風機、獨立衛浴(沒有提供毛巾與一次性備品組)

雙 人 一 大 床

Private Double Bed Room

  • 檯燈

  • 小書桌

  • 電視機

  • 獨立衛浴

  • 備品組

  • 吹風機

  • 容納: 2人
  • 床尺寸:W150*L188 cm
  • 配備:檯燈、小書桌、電視機、獨立衛浴、吹風機、完整備品組。(2024 年 1 月 1 日起,我們將迎來一個全新的住房永續時代!房內將「不提供一次性包裝」盥洗用品。)

如  何  抵  達Direction

*THSR Chiayi Station

Transfer to the BRT shuttle bus bound for Chiayi Park (present THSR ticket stub for a free ride). Get off at Chiayi TRA Station (transit center) and walk to the front of the station.

*Chiayi TRA Station→ Light Hostel

Walk straight out of the Chiayi TRA Station main exit, pass a stoplight (across from the stoplight are a number of motorcycle rental shops) and turn right on Renai Road. Turn left on Guangcai Street (there is an 85° Bakery Cafe at the intersection) and go straight along Guangcai Street to reach Light Hostel Chiayi.

*You can take a taxi to reach Light Hostel Chiayi.
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